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Self reliant India (Atmanirbhar Bharat) this is not only a word it is a mission or a dream for all Indian citizens. 
The meaning of Atmanirbhar Bharat is to make India a sufficient and self dependent country in all fields. 
But today India is not self dependent, today India is dependent on other countries for many things. So from today we need to know how India becomes self dependent country in those fields. 

For making India as a Self dependent country we need to make many big projects. Before we talk about these projects we need to know how common citizens of India helps to make India as a Self dependent country. 
For making India as a powerful economic country all common peoples need to buy all the things made in India. If we buys the product of India then the GDP of India increases and our money will not be gone to out of the India. So for helping in mission Atmanirbhar Bharat all the citizens will help by buying Indian goods as possible as.  

Now we talk about such goods who not make in India, now we learn how this things make in India. 

Today India is totally dependent on other foreign countries for electrical appliances such as Mobile phones, Laptops, computers and other such products. Due to this Indian market needs to improve the manufacture of Indian Phones, Laptops, computers etc. Other items we seen in our Markets in which we have options to replace foreign goods with Indian goods for our use. But in the market of Mobile phones, Laptops and computers we have no some good options. Because of this we need to improve the features and manufacture of these things. 
India have many engineers who done this work but in India this type of work is not available so Indian engineers goes to other foreign countries to do engineering work there. If India government or Indian companies starts focusing on better manufacture then they will done this because India have sufficient numbers of engineers and labourers. 

Today the prices of Petroleum products goes very high day by day because India have not sufficient reserves of Petroleum products and for buying petrol/diesel we needs a high amount. 
If we use electrical vehicles in place of Vehicles which are run by petrol then we not needs to buy petrol/diesel at very high cost. Every year India buys 82% of fuel for their use from other countries. And every year the use of petrol in India increases. 
So, if Indian government starts focusing on electrical vehicles then India not needs to buy petrol from other countries. 
By doing this some money saves India. And this step helps a lot in Mission Atmanirbhar Bharat. 

Today the prices of LPG gets high because India imports LPG from other countries. And in the place of LPG we needs to use Bio gas in place of LPG. But using Bio gas every where in place of LPG is very difficult because manufacturing of CNG in India is in very smaller quantity, if Indian government starts focusing on manufacturing of CNG in place of LPG then it helps a lot. If we done the manufacturing of CNG successfully then this is also a bigger step for mission Atmanirbhar Bharat. 

India is the land of Vedas and from Vedas India knows many things about Ayurvedic treatment of many diseases many countries are expert in Allopathic treatment but India experts in Ayurvedic treatment. If Indian government started manufacturing of Ayurvedic medicines then it helps to reduce the uses of Allopathic medicines which are imported by India from other foreign countries. This is also a bigger step for mission Atmanirbhar Bharat. 

Today most of the applications we used that are not make in India. So Indian government needs to focus on make India become a self dependent country in the field of Applications and softwares. And India have sufficient numbers of software engineers and developers who done this work. 

For doing this type of work Indian government needs to start focusing on development of these such things and needs to start finding eligible engineers and workers and these projects helps a lot for development of India and helps to make India a self sufficient country in development fields. 
These are the some steps, by following these steps India successfully becomes a self sufficient country in every things. But most important thing is that all Indian citizens buys Indian products as possible as.  

                                      -BY RAJAT DEKATE 


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