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Kissan Bills 2020

Today on 19th November 2021, 3 kissan Bills are Refused by Indian government. Today on National TV, our Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji says sorry to the country mainly to the farmers and say that we can't explain the laws to the farmers of our country. 

From today these 3 farm bills are Refused from the constitution. 

Farmers of our country can't know about these bills. So, many protest can happened in our India by farmers of Punjab and Haryana.  

The Indian agriculture acts of 2020, often referred to as the Farm Bills, are three acts initiated by the Parliament of India in September 2020. The Lok Sabha approved the bills on 17 September 2020 and the Rajya Sabha on 20 September 2020. The President of India, Ram Nath Kovind gave his assent on 27 September 2020.They inspired the protests against the new acts, which gained momentum in September 2020.

Let's know what were the laws:-

First farm law, titled 'The Farmers' Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020', deals with the trade areas of farmers' produce. It permits sale and purchase of farm produce outside the premises of APMC mandis without any market fee, cess or levy. It includes electronic trading and e-commerce of farm produce.

The act may hurt the interests of middlemen and affect state coffers, not at all the farmers. But this law is a major bone of contention. The protesters believe that once the law comes into effect the agricultural produce market committees (APMCs) will be abolished ending their MSP benefits as well

Second farm law, named 'Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020', provides a legal framework for contract farming. In which the farmers can enter into agreements with agri-business firms, retailers or exporters for their produce at a mutually agreed price before the planting seasons. The act also outlines a dispute redressal mechanism but the farmers have issues with some clauses. Though, the government has promised to look into the clauses. The farmers want the law to go. 

Third farm law is an amendment to an existing act called 'Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act, 2020'. The law scraps the Centre’s powers to impose stock-holding limits on food items like cereals, pulses, potato, onion, edible oilseeds and oils, removing them from the list of essential commodities, except under extraordinary conditions or in case of a steep price hike. The law won't affect the farmers adversely. But along with the first two laws, the farmers are not willing to accept this also.

These were the 3 farm laws in India. 

What do you think about these farm laws, what are your views about these farm laws. 

Give you views in comment section  


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