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Our education system

Today we are following macauley education system. By adopting this, we can't even realise that what we lose.  
We lose our valuable gurukul education system. 
In gurukuls, student not study only for getting jobs. 
In gurukuls they get real knowledge of life, real knowledge for life, real knowledge to live a life, real knowledge to survive in many bad to bad situations. 

In gurukuls not only ancient or cultural education were given rather than science, maths, astrology, agriculture, bussiness, physology, art and many other subjects get taught by teachers to their students. 

Ancient India had gurukuls commonly in every village which were managed by local donations. 
But India had many universities too. In these universities not only Indian but students from all over the world came for higher education. 

Downfall and destruction of our incredible education system was done by foreign invaders. 
Destruction of NALANDA University was the worst destruction of our ancient education system. 

One of the famous University was THE NALANDA MAHAVIRA which was started in 5th century. 
Nalanda the 3 words of sanskrit 
NA-ALAM-DA which means The unstoppable flow of knowledge. 

It was established by the king Kumar Gupt 1, there were about 10000 monks and 1510 scholars were in the University. 

Nalanda had a greatest library known as Dharm Ganj consisting of about 90 Lakhs books. 

Nalanda was tried to destroyed 3 times, but previously 2 times nalanda was rebuilt but the 3rd try of destruction of Nalanda destroyed the Nalanda completely. 
The 3rd time destruction of Nalanda was done by Turkish Invader BAKHTIYAR KHILJI. 

Bakhtiyar khilji after knowing the powers of medicines of Ayurveda, he destroyed the Nalanda University because it was the origin of source of the greatest knowledge. 

Once Bakhtiyar Khilji fall ill seriously, many hakims tried to treat him but he can't get treated properly. 
His hakims call ''Rahul shri Bhadra'' a monk from Nalanda University, but Bakhtiyar Khilji refuses to take any medicines from the monk. 
This becomes the challenge for the monk. 
So, the monk says only to read some pages of the Muslim Holy book KURAN daily,
After some time, his illness get treated properly. 
After then he knows that, the monk and pasted some medicines in the pages of Kuran, when he turn the page by applying his saliva, medicines also got into his body. 
After knowing this, he feels too much disappointment that Muslim hakims had not treated me after many practices, but a monk from Nalanda treated me only by applying paste on Kuran. 
Then, Bakhtiyar Khilji wanted to destroy the source of knowledge THE GREATEST NALANDA UNIVERSITY. 
In 1193 AD he destroyed Nalanda, he burnt the NALANDA UNIVERSITY his books, monks and students. 
The fire of Nalanda still continued till 3 months. 
This destruction not only harmed the India but it harmed all over the world because lakhs of original books get destroyed in the fire of NALANDA. 
This was the destruction of an University but after British invasion, in 1858 they banned the Indian ancient gurukul system. 

In year 1857 Britishers mostly conquer India, they wanted to destroy the minds and knowledge source of Indians. For this they were wanted to abolish the gurukul systems. 

For this they made Indian education act, under this act convent schools get started, macauley education system was established and gurukuls recognised as illegal. 
After recognising gurukuls illegal, Britishers were started ban on gurukuls, for this they destroyed many gurukuls. 

In year 1850 India had about 7,32,000 of gurukuls but after Indian education act all get destroyed. 

Britishers made Indians as slaves from body but after Indian education act they made Indians as slaves from mind too. 
Britishers enacted Indian education system, to make Indians as slave. But after Independence why this not get changed. 
After Independence our government was not capable to re-establish our ancient gurukul system but government was capable to change the macauley education system. 

Indian education system destroyed our knowledge, culture and the respect which had been for teachers, parents and elders. 

India needs a new education system, which will different from macauley education system. 
New education system should be focused on the skills that we have, not only focused on books and books. New education system will have place for extra curricular activities, yoga, exercises, meditation etc. 
New education should be give more attention towards practical knowledge instead of theoretical knowledge. 
New education system should make us free from the slavery of mind which was given by Britishers. 
We all have a great need of a new and changed education system. 

                                   -BY RAJAT DEKATE 
Give you own point of views in comment section. 


  1. Gurukul is always best 😊

  2. Literally,your every article can make me think about the topic. Your every article touches my heart. Your every article gives me a new thing to know.
    You're the best writer that I have been seen. Don't stop yourself. Thank you soo much for such great articlez.

    1. Thank you soo much for the appreciation and love.


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