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World No Tobacco Day

We all knows that Tobacco and Smoking are injurious to health.
Today we all together try to reduce the consumption of tobacco products by our family members.
In this article we will be know how a person  be addicted of it and how much it affects to a persons health.
Think that it is a campaign for all of the families where family members smoke or use tobacco products. 
Solution is at the end.
Just tobacco is sufficient to destroy a healthy and happy family.

How a person become addicted:-
The nicotin in tobacco is highly addictive. It makes a person's brain releases a chemical called dopamine. 
As the nicotine levels in your body fade, your brain carves more dopamine. The longer you have been smoking, the more dopamine you need to feel good.
You become dependent on nicotine.
Once you are dependent on nicotine, without it you may find it difficult to concentrate or feel nervous, restless, irritable or anxious.
Health effects:- 
Reduce your life expantancy.
Reduces life by 10 years as compared to a normal  person.
There is also growing evidence to suggest that smoking has a negative impact on mental health.

Some studies show that smoking is associated with increased rates of anxiety, panic attacks, depression, sucide attempts etc.

Cancer:- Smoking causes cancer most lung cancers and can cause cancer almost anywhere on the body. This includes the lips, tounge, mouth, nose, oesophagus, throat, voice box, stomach, live, kidney, pancreas, bladder, blood, cervix, vulva, penis and anus.

Breathing problems and chronic respiratory conditions:- Smoking is the main cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,  a serious, progressive and disabling condition that limits airflow in the lungs. Active smoking also worsens asthma in active smokers and is associated with an increased risk for asthma in adolescents and adults.

Heart dieseases, stroke and blood circulation problems:- Smoking is major cause of cardiovascular disease, such as heart disease and stroke. Smoking increased the risk of blood clots, which block blood flow to the heart, brain or legs. 

Diabetes:- Smoking causes the risk of developing diabetes 30 to 40% higher for active smokers than non-smokers. 

Infections:- Smoking weakens your immune system to you've more likely to get bacterial and viral infections.

Dental problems:- Smoking increases the risk of gum diseases tooth loss and tooth sensitivity. Once a person has gum damage, smoking also makes it harder for their gums to heal.

Hearing loss:-  Smoking reduces blood flow to the inner ear. Smokers may also lose their hearing earlier than a non-smoker.

Vision loss:- Smoking damages the eye and can lead to macular degeneration (it is the main cause of blindness in Australi).

Fertility problems:- Smoking can make it more difficult to fall pregnant and affect sperm quality.

The most recent available estimates show that almost 21,000 Australians died from tobacco use in 2015. 

If a person smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, he/she could spend more than 1800+ Rs. Per month.

Not only smokers but surrounded poeple too get affected when someone is smoking.

About 8 million people died due to tobacco use per year.

It makes human losses, family division, financial problems and many more, which is essential for ruination for a healthy and happy family.

All of smokers and tobacco users knows the harmfulness of it. But still they consuming it, because they forget what responsibilities they have. 
Love ones of the consumers should try to make them responsible about their responsibilities. 

Today (31st May) on World No Tobacco day, we all make people responsible about their responsibilities.
👆👆 This is our work for today.

If a person who smokes or use tobacco products reads this article
You can apply Quit days for it.
Really it can reduce your consumptions.
Make yourself responsible towards your responsibilities.

                                                   -BY RAJAT DEKATE 
Hey readers I wrote this article to make people aware of that. All the family members should use the tips that mentiond above to reduce it's consumption. 
Continue your queries in comments section.


  1. As you can say, I'll follow quit days to reduce smoking. Thanks to make me remind about my responsibilities (family).


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