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World bicycle day

Whether it is obesity or the inflation given by petrol and diesel, the solution of both is the cycle itself.
Today is world bicycle day, on this day we memories our memories with Bicycles.

The childhood memories of today's teenagers associated with bicycles. 

There will hardly be anyone who has not cycled in India.

Our childhood was probably incomplete without bicycles.
There was a time when we all had a craze of Bicycles. 
Just keep cycling all day, roaming around in the cycle with friends, this day cannot be forgotten.
Those were the days.
We can never forget getting the first bicycle, learning to ride a bicycle, riding bicycle, going to pick up the goods in the cycle.

The thing Bicycle which gives too much fun and memories to uss have many benefits too.

This is a good mean for our travel in such inflation.

Where vehicles spread so much pollution, bicycles do not do anything like that.

In such a busy life, we are not able to give time to our body.
We can also help our body by using a bicycle for our travelling.
It is not wrong if we say that a bicycle can easily compete with a gym.

Let's know who invented bicycles to make our life joyful and healthy.
German inventor Karl von Drais is credited with developing the first bicycle. His machine, known as the "swiftwalker," hit the road in 1817. This early bicycle had no pedals, and its frame was a wooden beam. The device had two wooden wheels with iron rims and leather-  covered tires.
World's first Bicycle 
In April 2018, the UNITED NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY declared June 3 as International World Bicycle Day. The resolution for World Bicycle Day recognizes the uniqueness, longevity and versatility of the bicycle, which has been in use for two centuries, and that it is a simple,affordable, reliable, clean and environmentally fit sustainable means of transport.
                                               -BY RAJAT DEKATE 
Hey reader's i wrote this article just to make you feel good to remember your past beautiful days with your bicycles. 


  1. My first cycle was given to me by my grandparents, this article reminds me of my grandfather. Love ❤ you my grandfather to make my childhood beautiful and you too author to remind me.


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