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Violence is necessary

Our Indian culture is always promoting अहिंसा परमो धर्मः it means firstly follow non-violence instead of violence.

Always try to handle the situation by peace and use non-violence, if situation seems to going out of the hand by following non-violence then you have to go throughout the path of violence.

Reader:- But father of our nation Mahatma Gandhi, taught us not to follow the path of violence, he taught to follow always the path on non-violence in every situation.
By adopting violence we disrespecting the principles of In violence given by Mahatma Gandhi.

Author:- If all problems were solved by non-violence, then Murlidhar Shri Krishna would never have allowed Mahabharata to happen.
यदि अहिंसा से ही सभी समस्याओं का हल निकल जाता तो मुरलीधर श्री कृष्ण कभी महाभारत ही नहीं होने देते।
And when it comes to non violence, Gandhi ji's principle is as; If someone hits you in one cheek, give him your other cheek too. This principle applies only for those who loves you, because they can't see you in that situation. But still I don't know that how our nation honoring Gandhiji and his principles to make India free from Britishers.

If Britishers were understood this principle of Gandhi ji, then massacre like Jallianwala Bagh would not have happened in our country.

I'm not here to troll Gandhi ji or his principles, I'm just making you all know about reality. 

I'm questioning to every reader that what you prefers to follow to handle an annoying situation.

You have 2 ways to follow:-
1st is अहिंसा परमो धर्मः that means 1st follow non violence, then use violence to handle that situation.
2nd way to follow is always non violence. 

It is impossible to follow always non-violence because today non one can understand this principle. They just simply use to tease you always if you're not taking any strict action against them.

If someone is using violence to tease you or making trouble for you then why you're not using the same weapon (violence) to answer them.
Our Indian culture is always promoting non-violence first but not says to use it always.
Because rude people don’t understand soft language.

Today's generation is different, If you want to solve the problem in one go, then use violence directly.
This principle is useful when someone is harassing a girl.  At that time that girl should not adopt the path of non-violence, but should use violence only.

This depends up to you that how you want to sort your problems out.

But always remember यदि अहिंसा से ही सभी समस्याओं का हल निकल जाता तो मुरलीधर श्री कृष्ण कभी महाभारत ही नहीं होने देते।

                                                       -By Rajat Dekate 
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