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USA needs to stop interfering other counties problem.

Today USA is world superpower, but how is it possible.
What makes USA a world superpower.
The answer is; it's super interfering strategy.
As a superpower, USA makes a illusion in itself that, he has all the rights to interfere in affairs of other nations.
USA is like uninvited guest in problem of any nation. 
Every nation needs to understand that any aother nation haven't any right to interefere in their internal affairs.
But the habit of hooking up with anything happens in world is the reason behind many consequences.

I'm going to represent a bitter fact that can never be denied;
Before 50 years ago, in the war of 1971, USA is with Pakistan.
In World War ll, USA Distruct Japan and today, All responsibility for the security of Japan rests on his hands.
This shows that USA not favour anyone, USA just attracts towards it's profitability.
At the time of 1971 Indo-Pak War, favouring Pakistan was beneficial but today favouring India is beneficial for USA.
At the time of WW2 Japan was USA's enemy and destructing Japan was beneficial but today USA supports Japan in its security. Today it is beneficial because USA sells its armaments and charge fees for its security.

Let's talk about some consequences which comes in world due to interefence of USA.

Vietnam war:- Just by following it's Domino Theory. USA interefe in Vietnam, at that time USA wants to war against communism in north Vietnam. But USA failed, it that war USA lost it's 58000 soldiers. At that time USA used to explode more than 27 crore bombs against Vietnamese common people.
In that war USA wanted to make it's supremacy in the world but at the end USA had loose the war. That was the worst lost of the USA. 
Vietnamese people used to follow gurrila warfare against USA.  In that war USA destorys natural resources and flaura and fauna and all the forests of the Vietnam.

Iranian downfall:- Shah the king of Iran was greatly influenced by USA. But in the year 1952 elections took palce in Iran and all the oil reserves got nationalized. USA didn't like it. So USA brought back the power of Shah in Iran. And instantly made a treaty with Iran that USA gives technology to Iran for development and in return Iran will gave control of oil reserves to the USA. This was the time when oilis the major source to generate income in Iran.America wanted to control the oil reserves by making such a hollow proposal. But Iranian people protest against it.
This was the reason for the backwardness of Iran. 

Cold War:- How we forget Cold war. After WW2 with the downfall of Germany, Great Britain (great Britain won but lost it's power) Imperial Japan, only USA and USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). At that time USA and USSR had a race to be world superpower. So the world had divided into two groups i.e. Capitalist and communists nations. Capitalists nations favoured USA and communists nations favoured USSR and both the nations made influences towards the world.
In that time also USA interefed in USSRs integrity and USA won the cold war with the downfall of USSR in 15 different nations.
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization):- Against Russia, USA founded a group of 29 Nations that is world's biggest militry alliance.
Under this alliance any NATO member can use any nation's military base and troops of any NATO member.
This is also a way of interefence in any other nation. 
Russia-Ukrain war is also a conflict birth given by the NATO.
USA wanted that Ukrain be a NATO member. But Russia won't wanted that. Here also, USA wanted to make interefence in Ukrain by making it a NATO member.

Every time the interference of USA leads many consequences in the world. 
So, every leader of the nations needs to understand that they don't allow any nation to interfere in their internal matters especially USA. 

Hey! Give your point of views about that article.


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