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हमारी शिक्षिका

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मैं........ एक साधारण सा लड़का हूं; Mood अच्छा रहा तो अपनों से लड़ता झगड़ता हूं; और अगर अच्छा न लगे तो लोगों से बात करने से भी डरता हूं; यूं तो मैं लोगों से बहुत बातें करता हूं; पर कभी-कभी अकेले ही अपनी बातों संग विचरता हूं!  हमेशा मैं काम उलटे ही करता हूं; इसलिए सबसे ज्यादा अपनी ही गलतियों से डरता हूं! मेरा दिमाग मंद है; शायद इस्लीये....... मेरे लिए की गई छोटी- छोटी चीजें भी मुझे बहुत पसंद है! रजत लगता लोगों को विचित्र है! क्योंकि इसके सिर्फ इंसान ही नहीं चिजे भी मित्र हैं! जैसे की....... किताब मेरे साथी और यार है!  जैसे की......   मुझे पन्नों से दोस्ती और कलाम से प्यार है! यह चिजे इतने खास हैं की....     किताब बने मेरे ढल और कलाम बने हथियार हैं! बस इतना छोटा सा मेरा व्यक्तित्व और व्यवहार है !!                                                                 -रजत डेकाटे If you like these lines, kindly use it by mentioning me and my name.

जैसा इन्तजाम वैसा अंजाम

 जैसा इन्तजाम वैसा अंजाम यह कविता केवल असफलताओं के लिए ही नहीं है, बल्कि उन लोगों के लिए भी है, जिन्होंने अपने लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त नहीं किया है, जो उन्होंने निर्धारित किए हैं।                     -रजत डेकाटे द्वारा क्या हुआ जो तुम हुए विफल! यह तोह है तुम्हारी ही मेहनत का फल ! विफल होने पर क्यों करना गम! जब मेहनत किया था तुम्ही ने काम ! सीधी सी है बात; नहीं हुआ तुम्हे तुम्हारा लक्ष्य प्राप्त! क्योंकि  मेहनत नहीं थी तुम्हारी पर्याप्त ! आया है अन्जाम; जैसा था तुम्हारा इंतजाम; बड़ा करो इंतजाम; जरूर अच्छा आएगा अंजाम ! अपनी असफलता पर न दो किसी और को दोष जगाओ खुदमे जोष;  अब बहनो से नहीं म्हणत पूर्ण सफलता से करदो सबको   खामोश !! यदि हम गलतिया खुदसे बहार ढूँढेंगे तोह हम खुदको कभी भी नहीं उठा पाएंगे इसलिए गलतिया हमे खुदमे ढूँढना है और उसे ठीक करना है. जब भी आप विफल होजाये या आपको आपका लक्ष्य प्राप्त न हो तोह यह कविता खुदसे कहे. इसे सेव करके रख लीजिए कभी भी खुदको आश्वासहान दिलाने के लिए यह आपके बोहत काम आएगा तोह आपको यह कविता कैसी लगी कमेंट सेक्शन में जरुर बताये. और आपके लिए ऐसे ही सुन्दर सुन्दर क

The past

                                   THE PAST                                                                                               -BY RAJAT DEKATE  Raj:- Hey! Today I learn a very interestingt topic. Dhawal:- What, the topic was? Raj:- History can't change. Dhawal:- Nice topic. Raj:- Do you agree with that? Dhawal:- Ya Ofcourse! Raj:- But I don't think so, that you are agree with that. Dhawal:- Why? Raj:- Because you are always busy in studying History. Dhawal:- Is there any issue? Raj:- Yes! If you think that History can't change then why are you always busy in studying History. Dhawal:- Oh! I was thinking the same that, you are going to ask me that question. Raj:- Well, then answer me. Dhawal:- If a person lost someone, in his/her life.  He/she knows that, the person can't come back. But he/she remember that person. Raj:- A little bit, I understand your point, but explain me better. Dhawal:- We can't change the past, but we get a knowledge abo

USA needs to stop interfering other counties problem.

Today USA is world superpower, but how is it possible. What makes USA a world superpower. The answer is; it's super interfering strategy. As a superpower, USA makes a illusion in itself that, he has all the rights to interfere in affairs of other nations. USA is like uninvited guest in problem of any nation.  Every nation needs to understand that any aother nation haven't any right to interefere in their internal affairs. But the habit of hooking up with anything happens in world is the reason behind many consequences. I'm going to represent a bitter fact that can never be denied; Before 50 years ago, in the war of 1971, USA is with Pakistan. In World War ll, USA Distruct Japan and today, All responsibility for the security of Japan rests on his hands. This shows that USA not favour anyone, USA just attracts towards it's profitability. At the time of 1971 Indo-Pak War, favouring Pakistan was beneficial but today favouring India is beneficial for USA. At the

Don't lie

D ON'T LIE                                                                -Rajat Dekate  Everywhere it is declared that men & women are equal, But why you are not maintaining that level. For you there is an open sky, Still you not try to fly, Why you sit and used to cry, For you there are many chances to fly in that open sky, So keep try without being shy. Today you are showing your weakness,  But tomorrow it will took you into the darkness. This is not the generation old, Today in every field, all the girls having capability to reach towards the gold. You are having opportunity, You are having capability, But still you won't want to use that opportunity. The question is why? Give answer to yourself and don't lie. This poem tries to encourage girls to move towards their goal, this poem won't want to hurt or tease any girl.  My motive to write this poem is to encourage few girls who still thought that they are weak, this poem is just a reminder that every

भगवान को मनाओ मत अपनाओ!!

                भगवान को मनाओ मत अपनाओ!!                                                                -रजत डेकाटे द्वारा आजका जमाना होगया है इतना विचित्र! सिर्फ नाम लेकर ही खुदको कर लेते है पवित्र! पर न जाने क्यों अपनाते नहीं उनका चरित्र!! सिर्फ पूजा करने में ही है व्यस्त! और बने है श्री राम के भक्त!! भक्ति का अर्थ नहीं सिर्फ पूजा! अर्थ है इसका भी एक दूजा!! गलत दिशाओं में कम करो मन का विचरण! और अपनाओ श्री राम के गुण और आचरण!! हम नाम पर लड़े है! सिर्फ पूजा करने में अड़े है! बस आचरण ग्रहण करने में ही नहीं पड़े है!! वे करते थे सबका आदर! हम कर रहे सबका निरादर! वे थे मर्यादित, हम लगे है चीज़ो को बनाने में विवादित!! जरा सोचो तोह ऐसे!! क्या गुण और आचरण में आप और हम है उन् जैसे?? सिर्फ पूजा करके भगवान को मत मनाओ!! उनके आचरण भी अपनाओ!!!                           🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏                               ll जय श्री राम ll                                                        

It's me

                                                                                  -By Rajat Dekate  I am spending most of the time alone, With my own clone. I like to talk myself with my tone, So, I don't feel bad in alone. I don't get angry after getting troll, I don't get tensed on the situations which are not in my control. I avoid to make the situations which requires to heal the soul. I just love my own role. While performing any activity, I just try to avoid negativity. I am happy in my own ways, Just by taking the positive side as always. My madness while performing any activity, gives me flexibility; to work in sadness  And gives a weapon to be far from darkness. I require little happiness to forget my sadness,  And to tackle the darkness. I'm far away from all the tension, Just because of my Passion. FOLLOW THE PATH OF MADNESS  & GO FAR AWAY FROM SADNESS.                                                              Madness is the way that took you far away


I will love you forever, as long as I live. My love for you is the strongest feeling in me. The above lines aren't for my partner, this is for my brother.  There are many fools, who can say that, how a male can love a male? I saw many fools who usually said that, love is only for opposite gender. I know the day, when my classmates make my joke when I said that I love my brother. That day, they said that if you love your brother then go and marry him and they bothered me badly. After that they usally find to tease and pinch me on that relevent topic. I just want to make understand to all that Love is not only for the persons who wants to marry and love is not only concerned with marriage. In that article we all will go to learn some things related with Love. -What is love? -To whom we can love? -Is love only for partners? -Why attachment is not possible forever? -Can love ever end? -Friendship & Love. Only a single statement is enough to answer every question.      

Violence is necessary

Our Indian culture is always promoting अहिंसा परमो धर्मः it means firstly follow non-violence instead of violence. Always try to handle the situation by peace and use non-violence, if situation seems to going out of the hand by following non-violence then you have to go throughout the path of violence. Reader:-  But father of our nation Mahatma Gandhi, taught us not to follow the path of violence, he taught to follow always the path on non-violence in every situation. By adopting violence we disrespecting the principles of In violence given by Mahatma Gandhi. Author:- If all problems were solved by non-violence, then Murlidhar Shri Krishna would never have allowed Mahabharata to happen. यदि अहिंसा से ही सभी समस्याओं का हल निकल जाता तो मुरलीधर श्री कृष्ण कभी महाभारत ही नहीं होने देते। And when it comes to non violence, Gandhi ji's principle is as; If someone hits you in one cheek, give him your other cheek too.  This principle applies only for those who loves you

Secrets are necassary

Today everyone have  open minded thoughts. And we  always becomes comfortable in making friends but easily we can't know who will become our friend and who will be foe. In the beginning everyone behaves nicely; but the reality comes later. When they behaves nicely in beginning, to make a good friendship, we always try to ask about ourself but too much is not good. In the beginning some people tries to be an open book. Because they like to be the open book without any hidden stories. We all know that Ravana was killed when Vibhishana asked Sri Rama to attack Ravana's navel.  If Vibhishana had not told this to Shri Ram, it would have been a bit more difficult to kill Ravana. In this article, we will know to what extent we should present ourselves in front of people and to what extent we should keep ourselves hidden from people. It is also not right to keep yourself completely hidden from people and it is also not right to be open to the extent. Now we have to know how to present

World bicycle day

Whether it is obesity or the inflation given by petrol and diesel, the solution of both is the cycle itself. Today is world bicycle day, on this day we memories our memories with Bicycles. The childhood memories of today's teenagers associated with bicycles.  There will hardly be anyone who has not cycled in India. Our childhood was probably incomplete without bicycles. There was a time when we all had a craze of Bicycles.  Just keep cycling all day, roaming around in the cycle with friends, this day cannot be forgotten. Those were the days. We can never forget getting the first bicycle, learning to ride a bicycle, riding bicycle, going to pick up the goods in the cycle. The thing Bicycle which gives too much fun and memories to uss have many benefits too. This is a good mean for our travel in such inflation. Where vehicles spread so much pollution, bicycles do not do anything like that. In such a busy life, we are not able to give time to our body.

World No Tobacco Day

We all knows that Tobacco and Smoking are injurious to health. Today we all together try to reduce the consumption of tobacco products by our family members. In this article we will be know how a person  be addicted of it and how much it affects to a persons health. Think that it is a campaign for all of the families where family members smoke or use tobacco products.  Solution is at the end. Just tobacco is sufficient to destroy a healthy and happy family. How a person become addicted:- The nicotin in tobacco is highly addictive. It makes a person's brain releases a chemical called dopamine.  As the nicotine levels in your body fade, your brain carves more dopamine. The longer you have been smoking, the more dopamine you need to feel good. You become dependent on nicotine. Once you are dependent on nicotine, without it you may find it difficult to concentrate or feel nervous, restless, irritable or anxious. Health effects:-  

Atomic Habits

If a person can follow his/her own atomic habits regularly really he/she will improve themself. Because "SUCESS IS THE PRODUCT OF DAILY HABITS." We all want to develop ourselves. For this we all requires to follow some Atomic Habits to change ourself.  Atomic Habits means just some silly habits. We needs to adopt some silly and small habits in our daily routine.  Drop by drop fills the pot, in the same way slowly a person can bring change in himself. That means drop like changes in our life fill a human with pot of good habits. Everyone have their own individual lifestyle.  So, everybody should develop their own habits according to their daily routines and lifestyles.  But we discuss some basic habits that everyone should follow for improvements. Some Basic Atomic Habits that we all have to develop in ourselves. 1. Physical Activity:-   For a good health we all requires atleast 30 minutes of physical activity daily. For instant beginning 30 minutes are too much, s


Yes, loneliness is good too.  -but how?  Let's find it's answer,in this complete article.  If we are surrounded with good ones, it is too much beneficial for us because we get too much knowledge from them.  I too have my best friend (my own personal library).  There are different types of persons, some have different skills, abilities, capabilities, behaviour, nature, due to this variations in our surrounding, sometimes we can't find persons like us. But this is not any point of disappointment because our own company is the best.  If we are surrounded with others, we talk with them, gossiping with them, joking with them, sharing knowledge with them.  And sharing knowledge with others, talking with others increases our knowledge.  I too when I am with my library ( best friend )  I get too much knowledge from him and also shares knowledge with him.  But problem with them who are alone, just think, when you are alone, don't distract your mind on nonsense things

Dear mumma

Only a mother proves that love is blind because, she loves her child from her womb when she not seems the child, that how he/she looks,but she loves him/her the most.  A few lines dedicated to all hardworking mothers. दुख हो जाता है विलुप्त और खुशियां देती है दस्तक ! जब गोद में मां की मैं रखता हूं मस्तक!! उसे है सिर्फ अपने बच्चों से मोह माया!  उसका हाथ जैसे ईश्वर की छत्रछाया!  प्यार का आंचल उसने हमेशा हमारे लिए बिछाया!  वह जिसने हमें बोलने से लेकर चलना सिखाया!! वह नजरअंदाज करती है मेरे सारे विकार!  हमेशा अपना साथ बनाकर करती है मेरा जीवन साकार!  स्वर्ग का तो किया नहीं कभी साक्षात्कार!  पर शायद वहां भी ना हो, मां जैसा प्यार!! हर समस्या से उनका प्रेम बचाता! मानो उनका प्रेम ही हो सर्दियों में स्वेटर और बरसात में छाता! शब्द तो नहीं सिर्फ उनका प्रेम ही है, सब बोल जाता!! We all knows that our mothers are different, they work different, their hobbies are different, their names are different, society found many variations in mothers.  But their way to love their children is


What are you passionate of?  Why you are passionate of it? Answer yourself.  In this article readers will know how to find      their passion, how to make something their    passion, how improvement can help to find   their passion. And the most important is that why we needs to love our passion.                     Passion:- The thing which we love to do more and more, the thing by doing which we can't feel bour anymore, the thing in which we feels extraordinary. This is called as passion In our common language.  Everyone are passionate of different things for example writing, dancing, gaming, music, cricket, football and many other games, sports and skills.  How to find passion:- Find any skill that you are more good than others, find any skill in which you are extraordinary. This is not your passion completely because passion needs improvement in every steps.  Success and Passion:- That means improvement gives you small success and victory which build up your interest towa

Our education system

Today we are following macauley education system. By adopting this, we can't even realise that what we lose.   We lose our valuable gurukul education system.  In gurukuls, student not study only for getting jobs.  In gurukuls they get real knowledge of life, real knowledge for life, real knowledge to live a life, real knowledge to survive in many bad to bad situations.  In gurukuls not only ancient or cultural education were given rather than science, maths, astrology, agriculture, bussiness, physology, art and many other subjects get taught by teachers to their students.  Ancient India had gurukuls commonly in every village which were managed by local donations.  But India had many universities too. In these universities not only Indian but students from all over the world came for higher education.  Downfall and destruction of our incredible education system was done by foreign invaders.  Destruction of NALANDA University was the worst destruction of our